Stat&QuantPhys Autumn School 2021 (SQP2021)

Thank you for your participation!
We thank everyone who participated in this workshop on September 27 and 28. It was a very productive meeting with many attendees. We hope you had a good meeting and learned something that will help you in your future research!

All lecture materials including the recordings are now available from Participants' page !



9/27(Mon.) 9/28(Tue.)
  8:45-9:00 Opening ceremony
  9:00-12:00 Lecture 1 / Lecture 2 Lecture 3 / Lecture 4
12:00-13:00 Lunch-time chat Lunch-time chat
13:00-16:00 Poster presentations Lecture 5 / Lecture 6
16:00- Get-together Get-together



Lecture 1 and Lecture 2  (9/27(Mon.) 9:00-12:00)
講師 タイトル (クリックすると講演概要が開きます)
西野 友年 先生
Tensor Network Formulation - Basic Concepts and Applications - [Video]
奥村 剛 先生
Critical phenomena and scaling: from bubble breakup to kirigami mechanics
Lecture 3 and Lecture 4  (9/28(Tue.) 9:00-12:00)
講師 タイトル (クリックすると講演概要が開きます)
沙川 貴大 先生
Thermodynamics of information: An introduction
高三 和晃 先生
(UC Berkeley)
Nonequilibrium phases of matter: An introduction and recent developments
Lecture 5 and Lecture 6  (9/28(Tue.) 13:00-16:00)
講師 タイトル (クリックすると講演概要が開きます)
ニール・ランバート 先生
Open Quantum Systems: from qubits to quantum biology
森 貴司 先生
Introduction to some basic notions of modern machine learning


Lunch-time chat と Get-together (予定)

