List of Participants
Here is the list of participants: Pdf and Excel
Group Photos

Campus Map
Here is the campus map you can use for finding places to eat and buy.Program fixed
Check it out by clicking "Program" above. Please note the following:- All speakers please be aware that the participants are from various fields of physics and mathematics. You should spend a considerable time for introduction in your talk.
Deadline Extension!
As most anticipated, we extend the deadline by one week to JUNE 22, 2016.For those who seek travel support, however, please finish the registration as soon as possible. We will start considering the travel support on June 16.
This problem was (hopefully) solved. --->Sorry, the registration site is temporarily unavailable. We are trying to fix it. Thank you for your patience.
Registration is now OPEN!
Please register and, if apply, send us the abstract, by JUNE 15, 2016. Sorry for the short notice!
Three Steps to Take
- Go to the registraion site and finish the registration. Registration fee is 15,000 yen for general participans and 10,000 yen for students.
- If you apply for a talk (possibly oral or poster):
- download the template latex file;
- rename the file according to your name as "phhqp16_hatano.tex".
- fill out the file but keep it within one page and compile it. The result should look like this.
- send the latex file and the compiled pdf file back to, including your name in the subject of the e-mail.
- Find your accommodation. You can use the accommodation site, but you can also find your accommodation by yourself.
The importance of non-Hermitian operators in physics is being widely acknowledged in recent years. New studies are sprouting every day in all areas of physics with increasing citations, not only in quantum mechanics, such as
- PT-symmetric quantum mechanics,
- Quasi- and pseudo-Hermitian operators in quantum mechanics,
- Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians of open quantum systems,
- the Fokker-Planck dynamics,
- fluid dynamics,
- stochastic processes,
August 8 - 12, 2016
Maskawa Hall next to the Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University. [access]
Confirmed Spekers (as of June 15, 2016)
- Fabio Bagarello (U. Palermo, Italy)
- Carl Bender (Washington U., USA)
- Dorje Brody (Brunel U. London, UK)
- Joshua Feinberg (Haifa, Israel)
- Andreas Fring (City U. London, UK)
- Eva-Maria Graefe (Imperial College London, UK)
- Uwe Guenther (Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Germany)
- Dieter Heiss (U. Stellenbosch, South Africa)
- Yogesh Joglekar (Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis, USA)
- Bhabani Mandal (Banaras Hindu U., India)
- Ali Mostafaszadeh (Koc U., Turkey)
- Hideaki Obuse (Hokkaido U., Japan)
- Akira Shudo (Tokyo Metropolitan U., Japan)
- Petr Siegl (University of Bern, Switzerland)
- Atsushi Tanaka (Tokyo Metropolitan U., Japan)
- Qinghai Wang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Miloslav Znojil (Academy of Scieneces, Czech Republic)
Sightseeing in Kyoto
We are planning a social event on Wednesday. For individual sightseeing in Kyoto, see for example
The Kyoto City Official Travel Guide
Sister Workshop
There will be a strongly related workshop in the previous week (August 3 - 5, 2016) in Osaka:
Resonance and non-Hermitian quantum mechanics 2016.
Osaka and Kyoto are both in the same Kansai area of Japan, both served by the Kansai International Airport (KIX), and well connected by several train lines as shown in here.
Previous Workshops
This is a part of the workshop series PHHQP. The list of the previous workshops in the series is available here.
Send an e-mail to
Scientific Committee
- Zafar Ahmed (Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, India)
- Alexandr A. Andrianov (St. Petersburg U., Russia)
- Fabio Bagarello (U. Palermo, Italy)
- Carl Bender (Washington U. St. Louis, USA)
- Emanuela Caliceti (U. Bologna, Italy)
- Joshua Feinberg (U. Haifa at Oranim and Technion, Israel)
- Andreas Fring (City U. London, UK)
- Jean-Pierre Gazeau (Paris Diderot U., France)
- Hendrik B. Geyer (Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies, South Africa)
- Sudhir R. Jain (Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, India)
- H. Jones (Imperial College London, UK)
- Wu Junde (Zhejiang University, China)
- Mustapha Maamache (U. Setif, Algeria)
- Ali Mostafazadeh (Koc University, Turkey)
- Ingrid Rotter (Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)
- Miloslav Znojil (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Local Organizers
- Yasuhide Fukumoto (Kyushu U.)
- Savannah Garmon (Osaka Prefecture U.)
- Kazunari Hashimoto (Yamanazhi U.)
- Naomichi Hatano (U. Tokyo, Chair)
- Atsuchi Hosaka (Osaka U.)
- Tetsuo Hyodo (Kyoto U.)
- Daisuke Jido (Tokyo Metropolitan U.)
- Kazuki Kanki (Osaka Prefecture U.)
- Kiyoshi Kato (Hokkaido U.)
- Makoto Hirota (Tohoku U.)
- Takayuki Myo (Osaka Inst. Tech.)
- Hiroaki Nakamura (NIFS)
- Kenichi Noba (Osaka Prefecture U.)
- Tomio Petrosky (U. Texas, Austin)
- Masatoshi Sato (Kyoto U.)
- Hiroya Suno (Riken)
- Junji Suzuki (Shizuoka U.)
- Satoshi Tanaka (Osaka Prefecture U.)
- Todd Tilma (Titech)
- Zensho Yoshida (U. Tokyo)