IIS-Chiba Workshop NH2019


8/8 (Thu) - 8/9 (Fri), 2019


Large Conference Room in Institute of Industrial Science, Chiba Experimental Site. See here for the access.


[August 8 (Thu)]

13:20-13:30 opening by Naomichi Hatano (U. Tokyo)
13:30-14:30 Eva-Maria Graefe (Imperial College London)
Non-adiabatic transitions through exceptional points in the band structure of a PT-symmetric lattice
14:40-15:10 Kazuki Kanki (Osaka Pref. U.)
Microscopic description of irreversibility in 1D quantum Lorentz gas by complex spectral analysis of the Liouville-von Neumann operator
15:20-15:50 Ken Mochizuki (Hokkaido U.)
The stability of topological edge states in non-linear quantum walks: Bifurcations unique to Floquet systems, revealed from non-unitary time-evolution operators
16:00-16:20 coffee break
16:20-16:50 Chia-Yi Ju (National Chung Hsing Univ.)
From Geometry of NHQM to No-Go Theorems
17:00-17:30 Kohei Kawabata (U. Tokyo)
Symmetry and Topology in Non-Hermitian Physics
17:40-18:10 Ken-Ichiro Imura (Hiroshima U.)
Generalized bulk-edge correspondence for non-hermitian topological systems
18:20-20:30 poster & party

[August 9 (Fri)]

9:20-10:20 Dorje Brody (U. Surrey)
Evolution speed of open quantum dynamics
10:30-11:00 Kenichi Noba (Osaka Pref. U.)
Microscopic decay dynamics and complex eigenvalue in periodically driven open quantum system
11:10-11:40 Andrew Harter (U. Tokyo)
Floquet edge state protection in non-Hermitian topological systems
11:50-13:00 lunch break
13:00-14:00 Franco Nori (RIKEN)
Parity-Time-symmetric optics, extraordinary momentum and spin in evanescent waves, optical analog of topological insulators, and the quantum spin Hall effect of light
14:10-14:40 Hideaki Obuse (Hokkaido U.)
PT symmetric non-unitary quantum walks with higher topological numbers
14:50-15:10 coffee break
15:10-15:40 Kazuki Yokomizo (TITech)
Non-Bloch Band Theory of Non-Hermitian Systems
15:50-16:20 Masaya Nakagawa (U. Tokyo)
Non-Hermitian quantum many-body physics in ultracold atoms subject to inelastic collisions
16:30-17:00 closing & coffee

Poster presenters (in alphabetical order) [August 8 (Thu) 18:20-20:30]

Takumi Bessho (Kyoto U.) Topological Classification of Exceptional Points
Yujin Dunham (Osaka Prefecture U.) Emergence of the exceptional surface of a two level system coupled with 1D energy continuum
Kazuhiro Kimura (Kyoto U.) Interaction driven chiral-symmetry protected exceptional torus in nodal-line semimetals
Qihang Liu (Peking U.) Properties of the current in non-Hermitian lattice models
Tao Liu (RIKEN) Second-Order Topological Phases in Non-Hermitian Systems
Naoyuki Shibata (U. Tokyo) Integrable dissipative spin chains
Kazuki Yamamoto (Kyoto U.) Phase transitions and symmetry breaking of non-Hermitian fermionic superfluidity
... (hopefully more) ...


For those who wish to attend the workshop and give a poster presentation:
Send an e-mail by August 5 with
  the title and a short abstract of the poster
to Hatano at
  hatano (followed by the domain name) iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
with the e-mail subject
  NH2019 Poster

For those who wish to attend the workshop without any presentations:
Send an e-mail to Hatano at
  hatano (followed by the domain name) iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
with the e-mail subject
  NH2019 Attend

You are welcome to attend without sending me an e-mail, but I would appreciate telling me beforehand in order for me to estimate the number of people at the party. The attendance itself is free, but we may ask you to pay 1000~2000 yen for the drinks at the party. Sorry, we cannot support any travel expenses.

Wireless connection

For those who have a UTokyo-Wifi account or an eduroam account, both are available everywhere. For those who don't, use the SSID named UTokyo-guest , which is actually "FREE-WIFI PASSPORT" service provided by SoftBank.