講演題目・概要Title ane Abstract
Lecturer: Dr. Ryusuke Hamazaki (RIKEN)
Title: Quantum trajectories and their applications
Abstract: Quantum trajectories describe stochastic dynamics of quantum states under measurement, where each of them corresponds to dynamics conditioned on fixed measurement outcomes. Originally developed in small optical systems, the quantum trajectory method has now been a versatile tool to understand many-body dynamics and quantum thermodynamics. Here, I would like to discuss the basics of the quantum trajectory theory and its applications. Starting from the review of the quantum measurement theory, I will talk about continuous quantum trajectories and their meaning. Then, I will discuss related topics, such as measurement-induced phase transitions, ergodicity, large deviation principle, and stochastic thermodynamics of quantum trajectories.
参加者リストList of Participants
氏名 | ふりがな | 所属 | 参加日 | |
1 | 濱崎立資 | はまざき りゅうすけ | 理研 | 26/27/28 |
2 | 中村統太 | なかむら とうた | 芝浦工大 | 26/27/28 |
3 | Somnath Maity | そむなーと まいてぃ | 理研 | 26/27/28 |
4 | 中村浩章 | なかむら ひろあき | 核融合研 | 26/27/28 |
5 | 中出捷 | なかで しょう | NICT | 26/27/28 |
6 | 白崎良演 | しらさき りょうえん | 横浜国大 | 26/27 |
7 | 小沢 輝弘 | おざわ あきひろ | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
8 | 石黒 裕樹 | いしぐろ ゆうき | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
9 | 渡邉 悠稀 | わたなべ ゆうき | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
10 | 杉山 祐紀 | すぎやま ゆうき | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
11 | Hung-Hsuan Teh | て ふんしゅあん | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
12 | 王 子瑜 | わん じゆ | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
13 | 折戸隆寛 | おりと たかひろ | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
14 | 數藤 広之 | すどう ひろゆき | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
15 | 岡崎 晃一 | おかざき こういち | 物性研(岡研) | 26/27/28 |
16 | 牛原啓 | うしはらひろむ | 物理学科(辻研) | 26/27/28 |
17 | 羽田野直道 | はたの なおみち | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
18 | 李宰河 | り ちぇは | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
19 | 井村健一郎 | いむら けんいちろう | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
20 | 平良敬乃 | たいら たかの | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
21 | 尚程 | しょう てい | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
22 | Ali Mahmoud | あり まーむーど | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
23 | 山岸愛 | やまぎし まなみ | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
24 | 高静儀 | がお じんい | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
25 | 金川隼人 | きんかわ はやと | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
26 | 牧口乃大 | まきぐち のりひろ | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
27 | 童心海 | どう しんかい | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
28 | 中林拓紀 | なかばやし ひろき | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
29 | 梅川舜 | うめかわ しゅん | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
30 | 郑心雅 | ぜん しんや | 羽田野研 | 26/27/28 |
It will cost about 25,000 yen in total. Please take care of the fees based on your own funding.- 交通費 Train fees: Shinkansen (Kodama) from Tokyo to Atami costs the basic fee 1,980 yen + 1,760 yen without seat reservation or 2290 yen with seat reservation.
In short about 4000 yen times 2 = about 8000 yen. - 宿泊費 Hotel charge: See the hotel site for details.
Ausugt 26: Basic charge 4,150 yen + lunch 600 yen + supper 2,000 yen + hot spring; see the site of the hotel = about 7000 yen
Ausugt 27: Basic charge 4,150 yen + breakfast 500 yen + lunch 600 yen + banquet 3,000 yen + hot spring; see the site of the hotel = about 8000 yen
August 28: breakfast 500 yen + lunch 600 yen = about 1000 yen