井村 健一郎/Ken-Ichiro Imura, Dr.

Currently affiliated to:


  1. My first scientific visit at IIT Madras (Chennai); Indian Institute of Technology,--> here
    Jan 30 - Feb 9, 2024; c/o Prof. Yasir Iqbal

  2. Our latest paper (Paper [1] in the list below) has been assigned to #PRBTopDownload.

Talks and seminars:

  1. "From topological matter to non-Hermitian quantum mechanics" (Monday 30 October 2023, 12:00pm)
  2. "Entanglement dynamics in the many-body Hatano-Nelson model" (August 16, 12:10-12:30)
  3. “Entanglement dynamics in the many-body Hatano-Nelson model”
  4. “Entanglement dynamics in a non-Hermitian quantum system,”
  5. “Entanglement dynamics in a non-Hermitian quantum system”
  6. “Wave-packet and entanglement dynamics in a non-Hermitian quantum system”

Lectures (teaching):

  1. "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" (in English), 2023 autumn-
  2. "Quantum Statistical Mechanics" (in Japanese), 2024 spring-


  1. Naomichi Hatano, Ken-Ichiro Imura, “Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics” (in Japanese) also available here.

  2. Koji Kobayashi, Tomi Ohtsuki, and K.-I. Imura, “Topological matter in the absence of translational invariance,” (Chapter 4)

Papers (published in the last five years):

  1. “Entanglement dynamics in the many-body Hatano-Nelson model”, #PRBTopDownload

  2. “Probability Conservation and Localization in a One-Dimensional Non-Hermitian System”,
  3. “Wave-packet and entanglement dynamics in a non-Hermitian many-body system”,
  4. “Multi-Dimensional Quantum Walks: a Playground of Dirac and Schrödinger Particles”,
  5. “Unusual wave-packet spreading and entanglement dynamics in non-Hermitian disordered many-body systems”,
  6. “Multifractality and Fock-space localization in many-body localized states: one-particle density matrix perspective”
  7. “Non-Hermitian Fabry-Perot Resonances in a PT-symmetric system”,
  8. "Theory of nonequilibrium noise in general multiterminal superconducting hybrid devices: Application to multiple Cooper pair resonances"
  9. "Generalized Bloch band theory for non-Hermitian bulk–boundary correspondence"
  10. "Finite-size effects in cylindrical topological insulators"
  11. “Generalized bulk-edge correspondence for non-Hermitian topological systems”
More papers found at
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